The border in Figure 6-7 was created with this code:
img {
border-right: silver inset; border-left: silver inset;
border-top: silver inset;border-bottom: silver inset;
<img WIDTH=320px; HEIGHT=264px; src=”GrandfatherHouse.jpg”>
Mattingmeans cutting an opening into a mat board that is the same size of a
photo, painting, print or other artwork, and then attaching the art to the back
of the mat and framing it. This provides a border between the frame and the
art. It’s almost always used when displaying photos because it provides a bit
of distance between the photo itself and the glass in the frame. Matting also
emphasizes the artwork.
To get the border displayed in Figure 6-8, make this simple change to the pre-
ceding code:
Figure 6-7:
You can use
the inset
command to
create a
border like
120 Part II: Looking Good with CSS