<p>Absolute positioning units (inches, px, and so on) can
also be used to position a background graphic,
using the usual x y coordinate system.
<p style=”border: 10px groove gray”>Absolute positioning
units (inches, px, and so on) can also be used to
position a background graphic, using the usual x y
coordinate system.
<p style=”border: .4in ridge mintcream”>Absolute positioning
units (inches, px, and so on) can also be used to
position a background graphic, using the usual x y
coordinate system.
<p style=”border: 6px double blue”>Absolute positioning units
(inches, px, and so on) can also be used to
position a background graphic, using the usual x y
coordinate system.
Save this code to a file with an .htm extension in Windows Explorer, and then
double-click that .htm file. Internet Explorer opens and loads the page you
see in Figure 10-1:
Notice in the preceding code that you follow the borderproperty with values
for width, style, and color, in this way for an inline CSS style:
style=”border: 6px double blue”
Or like this for a general CSS style:
p {border: 6px double blue;}
If you don’t specify a style, you get no border. The default style is none. So
don’t assume that if you specify other border-related properties like
border-width or color, you’ll end up with a border. The border-style
property is required.
The difference between external, embedded, and inline CSS styles is
described in the section titled “Visualizing Specificity” in Chapter 2.