<p>You can apply gradients to various images, as you wish.
Imagine the nice fade-in effect that you can
generate if you add some scripting to slowly
adjust the opacity value while the user is
But when you add the floatproperty, text and other elements wrap around
the floated element. In this next example, the image is floated within both the
parent headline and the text that follows it, as shown in Figure 10-8:
<h2><img src=”woofie.jpg” style=”float: left; width: 200px;
height: 150px; margin: 0 3% 0;”>Illustrating how a gradient
effect works</h2>
<p>You can apply gradients to various images, as you wish.
Imagine the nice fade-in effect that you can
generate if you add some scripting to slowly
adjust the opacity value while the user is
Notice in the above code that the image is an inline element, nested inside
the H2 element. When you nest elements like this, you help ensure that most
browsers align the top margin of the headline text and the image.
Figure 10-7:
Without the
many Web
designs are
to include
sary white
space, like
192 Part III: Adding Artistry: Design and Composition with CSS