The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide - Human Performance

(Greg DeLong) #1

90 Swimming for Fitness

Figure 5-7. Side and Front Views of Mark Spitz’s
Free-Style Stroke


The key to breaststroke is the kick. Propulsion is provided by drawing the feet up
towards your body in the direction of motion, and then sweeping both feet backward in a
circular motion, pushing motionless water backward with the inside and bottom portions of
the swimmer's feet. Coaching is essential to develop good technique as the kick is very

Pulling is done by a sweeping sculling motion. A good stroke drill to work on for a
strong sculling motion is to use only your arms and not your legs, in other words, “pull
breaststroke”. This drill develops a feel for the water that is needed for all three strokes.


Sidestroke is extremely important for you to master. SEALs are required to swim
in open water under challenging conditions. Arm pulling and kicking should be coordinated
to maximize thrust and conserve energy over a long swim. It is necessary to learn sidestroke
using either side in order to be able to face away from heavy ocean chop and swells. You
can’t afford to have a favorite side.

Front View

Side View

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