The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide - Human Performance

(Greg DeLong) #1

The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide 117

Figure 7-3. Specific Warming-Up Activities

Exercise should not be ended abruptly, but gradually slowed, to avoid pooling of
blood in the skeletal muscles, and to facilitate the removal of metabolic end products.
Exercise should be followed by a cool-down and stretching session.

Since most of the benefits from stretching occur post-exercise, a 10-15 minute
stretching program should follow every exercise session, and should be incorporated as part
of the warm-down while the muscles are still warm. Stretches should be slow and static,
held for 15-30 seconds, and taken to the point of tightness, not pain. Static stretching
provides a good warm-down after a workout, reduces post-workout muscle fatigue and
soreness, and is useful for relieving muscle spasms that occur as a result of exercise. Once
muscles have been stretched, standing in cool/cold water, or running cool water over the
legs or muscles used during the exercise, can also reduce soreness, and seems to speed
recovery between exercise bouts. Figure 7-4 represents the ideal recommended exercise


10 - 20 min of Calisthenics or Slow Jogging

Dynamic Stretching of Major Muscles

A Long Run

10 - 15 min of Slow Jogging


Jumping Jacks, Slow Jog or Other In-Place Activity for 10 - 20 min

Dynamic Stretching of Muscles to be Used in PT
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