The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide - Human Performance

(Greg DeLong) #1

121 Flexibility

Four-Way Lunges

No-count exercise:
Begin from a stand-
ing position. Extend
1 leg forward into a
lunge so that body
weight is
distributed on both
legs. When lunging
forward, the knee
should not extend
beyond the toe of
that leg. Use the for-
ward leg to push off
and return to start-
ing position. Repeat
this movement,
using the same leg,
to the side. Then,
perform exercise
with the opposite

Leg muscles


4-count exercise:
begin in a standing
position with legs
apart, knees slightly
bent. On count 1,
bend forward at the
waist flexing torso.
On count 2, bend
torso laterally. On
count 3, extend
torso backward, and
on count 4, bend
torso laterally to
remaining side.
When bending backward, keep legs slightly
bent to avoid hyperextending back.

including obliques
and hip flexors

Table 7-1. Dynamic Stretch Exercises to be Used in

Physical Training

Name Description



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