The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide - Human Performance

(Greg DeLong) #1
144 Calisthenics

Neck Exercises

Neck Rotations

A 4-count exercise. Begin lying on back.
Count 1: lift head up and over to side. Count
2: lift head straight up; Count 3: bring head
to other side. Count 4: head returns to start-
ing position. Can also be performed on
stomach facing deck in order to condition
neck extensors.

Neck flexors and

Chest, Shoulders, and Arms

Triceps Push-Ups

A 2-count exercise. Begin
by lying on stomach, with
feet and hands on deck, fin-
gers spread, thumb and
index fingers on both hands
almost touching each other,
elbows extended, and body
straight. Count 1: bend
elbows at least 90° using arms to support
body weight. Count 2: return to starting

Triceps and muscle
groups used in
regular push-ups

Push-Ups Wide,
Standard, and

A 2-count exercise. Begin
lying on stomach with
hands and feet on deck,
arms extended, and head
facing forward. Count 1:
bend elbows to at least a
90° angle, lowering chest
toward deck. Count 2:
extend arms back to starting position.
Should be performed first with hands placed
wider apart than shoulder-width (Wide Push-
Ups), then, gradually move hands closer
together so that smaller muscles (i.e., tri-
ceps) are worked last. Starting wide mini-
mizes problem of fatiguing triceps before

Chest, anterior
shoulder, triceps
and abdominal

Table 8-2. Recommended Calisthenics for Physical


Name of


Description of Exercise



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