The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide - Human Performance

(Greg DeLong) #1
The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide 171

Table 9-4. Upper Body Plyometrics

Exercise Intensity Description

Forward Ab
Throw Low

Kneel on floor holding a medicine ball behind head with
both arms. Use abdominals to throw it forward. Motion
requires a bend at waist and follow through with arms.

Medicine Ball
Sit-Up Low

Starting position for lead partner is sitting on the deck,
legs on the deck, shoulder-width apart and flexed at a
90 ° angle. Support partner stands 1.5 to 2 m (5 to 6.5 ft.)
in front of lead partner holding medicine ball. Support
partner passes medicine ball to lead partner at chest
level. Lead partner catches medicine ball and allows the
weight of the ball to push the upper body back and
down. When the lower back touches the floor (do not
wait till the shoulders touch), lead partner immediately
sits up and performs a chest pass to support partner.

Medicine Ball
Chest Toss Low

This exercise may be performed using a partner or a wall
and a medicine ball that rebounds. Holding medicine ball
at chest level, throw ball forward with a pushing motion.
Keep arms slightly extended following release. After ball
rebounds off wall or your partner returns it, catch ball
with arms extended, swing the weight and momentum of
ball as resistance against flexing arms. Repeat throw.

Drop Push-Up Shock

Starting position is kneeling on deck with torso perpen-
dicular to deck. Keeping torso straight, lean forward,
catching body with hands. Hands should be wider than
shoulder-width apart and flexed.

Side Ab
Throw Low

This exercise may be performed using a partner or a wall
and a medicine ball that rebounds. Stand with one side
of the body toward the wall or partner holding the medi-
cine ball on the opposite side. With a sideways motion at
waist level, throw the ball across the body toward your
partner or wall. The torque should come from the waist.
Stay in this position to catch the ball when it is returned
and swing back in starting position to repeat throw.

Sit-Up Low

Lead partner lies with back on deck, legs perpendicular
to floor. Support partner stands with 1 foot on each side
of lead partner’s head while grasping his legs at ankle.
Lead partner grabs ankles of support partner. Support
partner pushes legs of lead partner forward and toward
deck. Lead partner provides slight resistance to force
while allowing legs to accelerate toward deck. Before
legs touch ground, lead partner quickly lifts them back
to starting position.
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