The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide - Human Performance

(Greg DeLong) #1

The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide 245

Protein-Carbohydrate Supplements

Go into a retail or specialty store that caters to athletes and you may become
overwhelmed by the number of different products available. One of the most highly visible
and advertised group of products are the powdered protein and carbohydrate beverages.
“Weight gaining”, “anabolic”, “muscle building” -- these are just a few of the various
claims made by manufacturers. They do share one thing in common however: they are sold
as supplements to your diet. These products are intended to fortify your diet to meet the
nutrient demands of your body. In general, there are three basic reasons why people take

" Compensate for less than adequate diets or life-styles.

" Meet unusual nutrient demands induced by heavy exercise.

" Produce direct positive effects on performance

Your profession and life-style impose unique physical demands that require
stamina, power, and strength. Consequently, your caloric (energy) expenditure is greater
than the average person.

Fat Burners/Lean Body Mass Increasers

Carnitine Little or no reported benefit

Chromium Some benefit reported

l-Oryzanol/Ferulic Acid Little or no benefit reported

Testosterone Enhancers

Glandulars Not recommended

Hot Stuff Possible adverse effects

Smilax Little or no reported benefit

Growth Hormone Releasers

Arginine Some benefit reported

Branch Chain Amino Acids Some benefit reported

Lysine Some benefit reported

Agent Comment

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