10 Overview of Physical Fitness
Figure 1-1. Muscle Fiber Composition and Maximal
Oxygen Uptake Values for Various Athletes by Sport
Figure adapted from: Exercise Physiology: Energy Nutrition and Human Performance, McArdle WD, FI Katch, VL
Katch. 4th edition. 1996. Williams and Wilkins Publishers.
Principles of Physical Training
The goal of any training program is to improve performance. You are unique in
terms of your excellent physical condition and your dedication to further enhancing your
fitness. The four principles that apply to all physical training programs are discussed below.
According to this principle, exercise must be done at a higher level than usual to
bring about various training adaptations. Once the body has adapted to the higher level of
exercise it will function more effectively and efficiently. The overload can be obtained
by manipulating various combinations of exercise frequency, intensity, duration and
type of exercise. Increasing intensity, duration and frequency can be helpful for running,
cycling or swimming, and increasing resistance and repetitions can improve strength
Cross Country Skiers
Long Distance Runners
Weight Lifters
Recreational Athletes
Maximal Oxygen Uptake
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Slow Twitch Fibers
20 40 60 80 100