The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide - Human Performance

(Greg DeLong) #1

The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide 23

Load-carrying is one of the most important

physical activities a SEAL can practice.

The ability to carry a wounded fellow operator on your back or shoulders is also
important. Buddy shoulder carries are critical in that they are currently the anticipated
mode of transporting a wounded SEAL to a secure area where medical care can be
rendered. These carries are somewhat different than long distance hikes with equipment
because the load is distributed quite differently on the body and in some cases, the weight
of the wounded operator may be in addition to the basic load.

How do you train for these activities? Long distance runs with shorts and running
shoes are useful in promoting cardiovascular fitness, but do not adequately simulate load-
bearing activities. Similarly, the number of bench presses you can do at a given weight does
not ensure your being able to walk long distances with a heavy load. Moreover, some of the
problems associated with load-carrying are musculoskeletal injuries and blisters. These can
only be avoided (or minimized) by practicing the specific activity.

High Speed Boat Operations

The Special Boat Environment imposes unique physical demands. Such missions
typically include extended periods in transit, often at high speeds in stormy seas. This type
of activity requires extraordinary stability of the knee, elbow, shoulder and ankle joints.
Since maintaining a slight bend in the knees, elbows and ankles is essential for minimizing
musculoskeletal injuries, training to improve muscle strength and endurance is critical.

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