Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-14 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:16

Metabolic Acidosis 975
type I hypokalemic distal RTA: hereditary, glue sniffing,
amphotericin B, Sjogren’s syndrome, primary biliary cirrhosis
RTA of renal insufficiency: mild to moderate chronic renal fail-
ure of any cause (GFR >15 ml/min)
type IV hyperkalemic distal RTA, urine pH >5.5: tubulointer-
stitial renal disease, analgesic nephropathy, obstructive uropa-
thy, sickle cell disease
type IV hyperkalemic distal RTA, urine pH <5.5: syndrome
of hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism, diabetic nephropathy,
primary adrenal failure

■first determine cause of metabolic acidosis and treat underlying dis-

specific therapy
■specific therapy will depend on underlying cause of acidosis
■anion gap metabolic acidosis
➣diabetic ketoacidosis-intravenous fluids, insulin, and potassium,
HCO3 therapy only indicated for severe acidemia (pH <7.10 and
HCO3 <10 mEq/L)
➣L-lactic acidosis-treat underlying disorder, HCO3 therapy only
indicated for severe acidemia (pH <7.10 and HCO (3) <10 mEq/L)
➣alcoholic ketoacidosis-dextrose-containing saline to reverse
ketogenesis and correct ECF volume deficit, give thiamine prior
to dextrose in order to avoid Wernicke’s encephalopathy
➣salicylate intoxication-alkalinization of urine to enhance urinary
excretion, dialysis may be required for levels >80 mg/dl with
severe clinical toxicity
➣ethylene glycol and methanol intoxication-administer ethanol
to impair conversion of parent compounds to toxic metabolites,
hemodialysis to remove parent compounds, HCO3 therapy for
severe acidemia, 4-methylpyrazol (potent inhibitor of alcohol
dehydrogenase) can be used in place of ethanol infusion if avail-
➣D-lactic acidosis-antibiotics to treat bacterial overgrowth, surgi-
cal correction of intestinal abnormality leading to bacterial over-
■normal anion gap metabolic acidosis
➣extrarenal acidosis
treat underlying condition
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