Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-14 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:16

Mumps 1019

➣Reportable in certain areas
➣Immunize susceptible pts
➣Respiratory isolation for 9 days after onset parotid swelling
specific therapy


complications and prognosis
■Orchitis: around 30–40% postpubertal males
➣Usually unilateral
➣Sterility not common
■Oophoritis (inflammation of ovaries);∼7% of postpubertal females
➣Usually unilateral
➣Pelvic pain, lower abdominal tenderness
➣Risk of sterility very low
■Mastitis: 30% postpubertal females
■Senso-neural hearing loss; 5/100,000 cases
➣Central Nervous System
up to 15% of cases have signs of meningeal inflammation
Encephalitis; more common in patients >15 years
2.6 encephalitis/1000 cases mumps
➣Pancreatitis: often mild,∼4% of cases
1st trimester; spontaneous abortions, no congenital malfor-
other complications: arthritis, renal involvement, thyroiditis
Diabetes mellitus: association has been suggested, unproven

■For active cases;
➣Exclude child from school/day care center
➣Droplet precautions until 9 days after parotid swelling
Mumps vaccine does not prevent infection when given to indi-
viduals incubating mumps.
➣vaccine is live-virus vaccine
➣Vaccine – lasting immunity
➣Vaccine recommended to all children during 2nd year of life and
booster at 4–6 years
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