Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-14 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:16

1022 Musculoskeletal Problems

■Ankle & foot pain
➣Plantar fasciitis: plantar pain, worse w/ weight bearing
➣Achilles’ tendinitis: posterior heel pain, overactivity
➣Morton’s neuroma: interdigital pain, paresthesias
➣Tarsal tunnel syndrome: plantar pain, paresthesias

Signs & Symptoms
■Cervical sprain, whiplash: localized tenderness, spasm
■Mechanical back pain: localized tenderness, spasm
➣Negative straight-leg raising
■Shoulder (rotator cuff ) pain: pain and/or weakness on resisted
abduction, rotation
➣Limited abduction, rotation, lateral tenderness
■Chest wall pain: pain reproduced by pressure
■Elbow pain
➣Lateral epicondylitis: localized tenderness, worse w/ wrist exten-
➣Olecranon bursitis: localized swelling over olecranon process
■Hand & wrist pain
➣Flexor tenosynovitis: localized tenderness, thickening over ten-
➣Carpal tunnel syndrome: reproduce paresthesias w/ percussion
or wrist flexion
➣Thenar weakness or atrophy
➣DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis: localized tenderness, reproduce
pain w/ ulnar wrist distraction
■Hip girdle pain
➣Trochanteric bursitis: localized tenderness, lateral hip, normal
range of motion in hip joint
➣Meralgia paresthetica: localized area of decreased sensation,
anterior thigh
■Knee & lower leg pain
➣Anserine bursitis: medial knee tenderness, below joint line
➣Popliteal cyst: posterior knee swelling, small knee effusion
■Ankle & foot pain
➣Plantar fasciitis: localized tenderness, plantar surface of heel
➣Achilles’ tendinitis: localized tenderness, posterior heel & tendon
➣Morton’s neuroma: interdigital tenderness, paresthesia
➣Tarsal tunnel syndrome: plantar pain w/ percussion behind
medial malleolus
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