Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-14 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:16

Musculoskeletal Problems 1023

Lab Tests
■Blood studies only to detect underlying cause (eg, thyroid tests for
carpal tunnel syndrome)
■Synovial fluid analysis for infection (WBC >1,000/mm3, culture pos-
itive), crystals; may be important in olecranon bursitis in particular
■Nerve conduction studies for carpal or tarsal tunnel syndrome
■Radiographs useful only to rule out underlying joint & bony pathol-
ogy in selective situations (persistent back, shoulder, foot, knee
■MRI or ultrasound in refractory shoulder rotator cuff symptoms
■MRI or CT for persistent back pain w/ sciatica for herniated disc

differential diagnosis
■For local syndromes
➣Arthritis, fracture or other bony lesion
■For low back pain
➣Ankylosing spondylitis (young male, chronic symptoms, morn-
ing stiffness)
➣Fracture (trauma history, known or risk for osteoporosis)
➣Septic disc or bone lesion (fever, immunocompromised)
➣Malignancy (older, rest pain, weight loss)

What to Do First
■Search for generalized medical illness, history of injury, underlying
articular process

General Measures
■Local ice for acute symptoms, heat for more chronic symptoms
■Range-of-motion exercises, local support (splint, elastic)
■Strengthening exercises during recovery
■Analgesics, NSAIDs

specific therapy
■Pain interfering w/ function, sleep
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