Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-14 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:16

1024 Musculoskeletal Problems

Treatment Options
■Mechanical back pain: limited bed rest (2–4 days) w/ gradual
resumption of activities
➣Cyclobenzaprine for rest in acute phase
➣Physical therapy, exercises during recovery
■Shoulder (rotator cuff ) pain: ROM exercises, rotator cuff strengthen-
➣Steroid injection
➣Surgery for recurrent or refractory symptoms
■Chest wall pain: local heat, analgesics, chest wall stretching exercises
■Elbow pain
➣Lateral epicondylitis: local heat, elastic support, steroid injec-
➣Olecranon bursitis: aspiration of fluid
➣Antibiotics for infected bursa
➣Steroid injection for noninfected bursa
■Hand & wrist pain
➣Flexor tenosynovitis: steroid injection
➣Carpal tunnel syndrome: night splint, steroid injections, surgical
release for persistent symptoms, motor weakness
➣DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis: thumb splint, steroid injections
■Hip girdle pain
➣Trochanteric bursitis: steroid injection
➣Meralgia paresthetica: looser garments, time
■Knee & lower leg pain
➣Anserine bursitis: steroid injection
➣Popliteal cyst: knee joint aspiration, steroid injection
■Ankle & foot pain
➣Plantar fasciitis: local heat, heel cord & plantar stretching
➣Steroid injection for most, rarely surgery
➣Achilles’ tendinitis: heel lift, heat, stretching, donotinject
➣Morton’s neuroma: wider shoes, steroid injection, occasional
➣Tarsal tunnel syndrome: ankle support, steroid injection

Side Effects & Contraindications
➣Renal impairment, salt & fluid retention
Caution: hypertension, heart failure, edematous states
➣GI hemorrhage
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