Internal Medicine

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0521779407-02 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 19:18

76 Adult Optic Neuropathies

Nutritional associations to look for
■Tobacco usage
■Folate deficiency
■Vitamin B12 deficiency
■Toxins that affect optic nerve
■Methyl alcohol Toluene
■Interferon alpha

Signs & Symptoms
■Perception of whiteness of the disc (our best parameter for atrophy)
is influenced by disc’s cup size – the larger the cup size, the more
“white” the disc appears
■Ophthalmoscopic features of disc change
➣Is the disc swollen? – if so must rule out papilledema (disc swelling
from raised intracranial pressure)–amedical emergency
➣Are venous pulsations present spontaneously? if so, intracranial
pressure < 200 mm H20 and swollen disc is not likely papilled-
➣Is there a pressure related optic neuropathy – anything to suggest
Glaucoma is the most prevalent optic neuropathy of adults
Glaucomatous optic atrophy is characterized by
➣undermining of neuroretinal rim
vertical bias to cup configuration
asymmetry of disc excavation
■Decreased vision
■Decreased color perception
■Dimness of vision
➣Constriction of peripheral field
Trouble with tasks requiring fine steropsis
■Trouble with reading – can be declaration of homonymous hemi-
■Pain on eye movement – characteristic of optic neuritis
➣Transient obscurations of vision – sudden visual loss with valsalva
maneuver – characteristic of the swollen disc
■Loss of central vision
■Loss of color vision
■Constriction of visual field
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