Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-15 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 18:43

1054 Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

■simple fatty liver: found in 70% of patients >10% over ideal body
■steatosis present in 1/3 of type II diabetics

Signs and Symptoms
■usually asymptomatic
■if symptoms present: constitutional and nonspecific, such as fatigue,
weakness and malaise; hepatomegaly common on physical exami-

Basic Studies: Blood
■increased AST and ALT and occasionally alkaline phosphatase

Other Tests
■exclusion of viral, autoimmune and genetic liver diseases

■fatty liver by ultrasound, CT or MRI
■liver biopsy
➣diagnosis of NASH requires liver biopsy, showing characteristic
findings of fatty change, lobular inflammation, hepatocellular
injury and Mallory’s hyaline, with or without fibrosis
➣histologic features of NASH and alcoholic hepatitis overlap
➣simple fatty liver characterized by hepatic steatosis without
inflammation, necrosis or fibrosis
➣role of liver biopsy in diagnosis of NASH in routine clinical prac-
tice debated, with most clinicians not recommending biopsy,
unless needed to exclude suspected alternative liver diseases

differential diagnosis
■Alcoholic hepatitis
■Chronic hepatitis C

What to Do First
■Exclude alcohol abuse by collateral history if required
■Exclude viral, autoimmune, and genetic liver diseases by specific
laboratory tests
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