Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-15 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 18:43

Nongranulomatous Systemic Vasculitis 1057

➣Bilateral conjunctival injection, fever >5 days, rash, mucus mem-
brane changes (“strawberry tongue,” etc), cervical lymphade-
Lab Tests
■CBC (anemia, thrombocytosis)
■ESR and/or C-reactive protein elevated
■Urinalysis for glomerulonephritis, esp. in MPA, ECV

Other Tests
■Skin biopsy: necrotizing vasculitis w/ leukocytoclasis in most forms;
few or no immune deposits in MPA; IgA immune deposits in HSP;
cryoglobulin immune deposits in ECV
■Sural nerve biopsy (esp. in PAN, MPA): necrotizing inflammation of
small arteries
■ANCA: p-ANCA (anti-MPO) positive in MPA (40–80%)
■Cryoglobulins, rheumatoid factor in ECV
■Complement, ANA in some pts w/ LCV
■Hepatitis B, C, esp. in PAN, ECV
➣Blood cultures to exclude endocarditis
➣Antiphospholipid antibodies
■Other: In MPA, renal biopsy: necrotizing glomerulonephritis; pul-
monary capillaritis

■Angiogram often shows aneurysms & vessel narrowing in PAN; coro-
nary aneurysms in 60% of pts who die of KD
■Echocardiography in CS: aortic root aneurysm
■Endoscopy in BD: mucosal ulcers, most often in right colon
■Chest X-ray: pulmonary infiltrates, hemorrhage; evaluate for emboli
in BD; infiltrates in MPA
■Audiogram (CS)
■Ophthalmologic exam (CS)
differential diagnosis
■Bacterial sepsis, especially endocarditis, also disseminated Neisse-
ria, rickettsiae
■Viral diseases, esp. hepatitis B, C
■Paraneoplastic syndromes assoc w/ cancers, esp. hematopoietic
malignancies & adenocarcinomas
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