Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-15 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 18:43

1072 Obesity

Basic Tests: Blood
■Glucose, fasting
■Cholesterol: HDL, LDL, total
■Uric acid
■T3, T4

Basic Tests: Other
■Blood pressure

differential diagnosis
■Chronic liver disease
■Renal failure
■Chronic steroid use
■Thyroid dysfunction
What to Do First
■Create energy deficit
■Assess attitudes, motivation, present behaviors
General Measures
■1 lb. Body fat=3500 kilocalories
➣500 kcal energy change/day=1 lb weight change/week
■Physical activity, gradual increase to≥30 minutes daily
■Specific, realistic, individualized short and long-term goals
■If <1200 kcal for women/1500 kcal for men, multivitamins needed
specific therapy
Indications for Treatment
■BMI >30 (obese)
■BMI=25–29.9 (overweight) with≥2 comorbidities or increased
waist circumference
Treatment Options
■Revised dietary guidelines for Americans (USDA)
■Physical activity each day
➣saturated fats, cholesterol, total fats
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