Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-15 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 18:43

1074 Obesity

■Severe restriction (<1000 kcal/day) not recommended
■Difficult compliance
■May reduce resting metabolic rate, promoting weight gain when
restriction stopped

■Poor long-term weight loss maintenance

Pre-Packaged Meal Programs
■Must learn food preparation, sensible dining out, self-controlled
social eating for long-term maintenance

Fad Diets
■Weight loss from lower total calorie levels or diuresis, not diet com-
■No documentation of safety or long-term weight loss effectiveness

Physical Activity/Exercise
■Musculoskeletal complaints
■Requires individualized guidance

Behavior Modification
■No known side effects or complications

■Addiction/severe dehydration possible
■Long-term consequences unknown, i.e., fenfluramine and dexfen-
fluramine (primary pulmonary hypertension)
■Sibutramine (hypertension, bradycardia)
■Xenical (oily diarrhea, potential malabsorption of fat-soluable vita-
mins, carotenoids)
■Risk of death
■Potential vitamin B12, calcium, iron malabsorption, anemia
■Weight loss may not meet expectations, especially if high calorie
foods eaten
■Alternate weight loss products
■Ephedra (17 deaths)
■Caffeine (dehydration, irregular heart beat, no weight loss shown)
■Chitosan (vitamin E malabsorption, increased calcium excretion,
decreased bone density, no significant weight loss)
■Pyruvate (no physiologically relevant weight loss)
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