Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-15 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 18:43

Obstructive Sleep Apnea 1077

■Diseases that may interefere w/ sleep & cause sleep-related sym-
➣Sinusitis & postnasal drip
➣Anxiety & panic attacks

What to Do First
■Weight loss (only 10–20% of obese pts can maintain significant
weight loss)
■Avoid alcohol & sedatives for 4 h before bedtime
■Sleep in the lateral position (sew 1–2 tennis balls in back of T-shirt
to prevent lying on back)
■Treat nasal allergies or obstruction

specific therapy
Treatment Options
■After confirmatory sleep study:
Most consistently effective medical therapy if pt adherent
BiPAP (BiLevel) may be superior to CPAP in 10–20% of pts
Proper fit & settings can improve adherence
➣Oral appliances can be used during sleep to pull jaw forward (fit
by dentist)
Surgical treatment not always curative; need good follow-up
Tracheotomy most effective, but a morbid procedure
➣Antidepressants: protriptyline or SSRIs options if other therapies
➣Oxygen: may be used if other therapies not tolerated, but does
not open obstructed airway

■Clinical follow-up to see if symptoms improve
■For CPAP, follow-up in first 2–4 wk improves adherence
■For surgery or oral appliances, follow-up sleep study to document
■If pt has significant change in weight or symptoms, repeat sleep study
often recommended
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