Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-16 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:18

1094 Osteoarthritis

elbows, shoulders, ankles), elevated ESR, positive rheumatoid factor,
erosive changes on radiograph
■Crystal-induced arthritis (gout, pseudogout): acute attacks w/
swelling, inflammatory synovial fluid, crystals in fluid
■Polymyalgia rheumatica: elderly patients, recent onset, predomi-
nant shoulder & hip girdle symptoms, prolonged morning stiffness,
elevated ESR
■Localized bone disorders near joint (eg, fracture, osteonecrosis,
Paget’s disease)
■Psoriatic arthritis: involvement of IP finger joints resembles OA,
younger age
➣Psoriatic skin or nail changes
■Localized musculoskeletal problems: localized to specific periar-
ticular structures (tendons, bursae), pain w/ specific maneuvers,
radiographs normal or only incidental age-related degenerative

What to Do First
■Confirm diagnosis
■Assess degree of joint limitation, functional impairment

General Measures
■Modify activities to protect involved joint, but not total rest
■Local heat, other local pain relief measures
■Exercise to increase mobility, strength of periarticular muscles
■Walking program for knee involvement
■Weight loss w/ knee, hip & probably lumbar spine disease
■No known current therapy affects long-term outcome
Braces, canes or crutches as needed
specific therapy
■Pain & limitation of activity
■Asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic OA need not be treated
w/ specific measures

Treatment Options
■Analgesics: acetaminophen, tramadol, narcotics w/ caution in some
■Topical capsaicin
➣NSAIDs in low to moderate doses
➣Goal of therapy is pain relief
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