Internal Medicine

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0521779407-16 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:18

1102 Osteomalacia and Rickets

specific therapy
■Rickets, hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia, fractures, growth retar-
dation, muscle weakness or pain

Treatment Options
■Nutritional rickets: vitamin D and calcium
■Hypocalcemic rickets: calcium and vitamin D
■Hypophosphatemic rickets: phosphate and vitamin D
■Renal failure and 1-alpha-hydroxylase deficiency: calcitriol, phos-
phate binders to reduce hyperphosphatemia
■HVDRR: high-dose calcium and calcitriol; may require IV infusions
of calcium
■Oncogenic osteomalacia: removal of offending tumor

Side Effects
■Excessive replacement of calcium and vitamin D: hypercalcemia,
hypercalciuria, renal stones
■Excessive vitamin D or calcitriol: hypervitaminosis D
■Excessive oral phosphate: diarrhea

During Treatment
■Monitor calcium and phosphate, observe vitamin D and PTH levels
■Assess symptom reduction
■Assess fracture healing
■Adults: monitor bone mineral density
■Intermittently check bone x-rays for evidence of healing of rickets

■Monitor growth
■Observe family members for hereditary syndromes
complications and prognosis
■Nutritional rickets responds well to vitamin D and calcium
■Renal osteodystrophy dramatically improved by preventing hyper-
phosphatemia and secondary hyperparathyroidism with calcitriol
■Oncogenic osteomalacia responds dramatically to tumor removal;
patients should be observed for recurrence of syndrome, implying
tumor recurrence
■Hereditary syndromes show improvement in rickets if calcium,
phosphate and vitamin D can be normalized; healing of rickets can
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