Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-16 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:18

1104 Osteomyelitis

■Cellulitis, pain, drainage and an open wound seen in osteomyelitis
associated with vascular insufficiency or a contiguous infection
■Chronic osteomyelitis associated with chronic draining sinus tract

■In febrile patient, blood cultures may reveal etiologic agent.
■Cultures of sinus tracts, open wounds or ulcers unreliable in predict-
ing pathogen and are not recommended
■WBC and sedimentation rate may be elevated; will decrease with
successful therapy and can be used to monitor therapy
■Periosteal reaction and destructive lesions on bone films accurate in
making diagnosis, but may take 2 weeks or longer to appear
■Technetium radionuclide scan positive as early as 2–3 days after
onset of infection, but false-positive scans can occur if adjacent soft
tissue infection present; negative scan helpful in excluding diagnosis
■CT and MRI may be useful in making diagnosis and defining extent of
disease; correlation of abnormalities with pathologic confirmation
of osteomyelitis has not been done and overinterpretation of scans
is a concern
■Definitive diagnosis made by biopsy and culture

differential diagnosis
■Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis must be differentiated from
tumor; osteomyelitis associated with diabetes or vascular insuffi-
ciency confused with Charcot joint, osteoarthritis, disuse osteope-

■Since therapy prolonged, attempt to define bacteriology
■Blood cultures in febrile patient
■Bone biopsy or surgical debridement encouraged to isolate causative
organism(s) and aid in choosing best antibiotic regimen

specific therapy
■IV antibiotic therapy for 4–6 weeks; use of oral antibiotics not well
studied for acute osteomyelitis in adults
■Debride necrotic tissue
■Obliteration of dead space and revascularization of bone often
accomplished with myocutaneous flaps
■Role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for chronic osteomyelitis or
osteomyelitis associated with vascular insufficiency unclear; dra-
matic successes anecdotally reported
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