Internal Medicine

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0521779407-16 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:18

Osteonecrosis 1107

differential diagnosis
■Osteoarthritis of hip involves both femoral head and acetabulum
early in course; late-stage osteonecrosis indistinguishable from late-
stage osteoarthritis
■Inflammatory arthritis of hip: no characteristic radiographic changes
of osteonecrosis
■Synovial osteochondromatosis, synovial tumors, labrum tears:
detected by specific imaging findings
■Transient osteoporosis of hip: similar on radiographic and radionu-
clide scan; differs on MRI

What to Do First
■Plain x-rays will detect bone changes; if normal, MRI

General Measures
■Minimize alcohol intake and corticosteroid use
■Control hyperlipidemia, diabetes, sickle cell disease, renal failure
■Education for divers on slow decompression
■Analgesics, NSAIDs, canes
■Limited weightbearing; weight loss if obese

specific therapy
■No specific medical treatments other than analgesics
■Surgical Treatment
➣Core decompression of femoral head:
Decreases intraosseous pressure
Prevents progression
Useful in stages 0 to 2
➣Core decompression with bone grafting or free vascularized fibu-
lar graft:
Decreases intraosseous pressure
Promotes growth of viable bone
Useful in stages 0 to 2
Outcomes may be better than decompression alone
➣Prevents collapse of femoral head by redirecting mechanical load
➣Can preserve femoral head in young patients
➣Useful in stage 3
■Femoral head replacement useful in stage 4
■Total hip replacement useful in stages 4 to 6
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