Internal Medicine

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0521779407-16 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:18

1116 Other Clotting Factor Deficiencies

■if surgery required, use estimated blood loss to estimate factor re-
■discuss safest, least invasive approach for procedures with surgeons
specific therapy
■emergency replacement for trauma or spontaneous bleeding
■perioperative replacement for elective or emergency procedures
■prophylactic replacement to prevent bleeding

Treatment Options
■cryoprecipitate – replacement for factor I, XIII deficiency 6 bags 1200
mg fibrinogen for 80–100 mg level
■fresh frozen plasma – replacement for factor II, V, VII, X, XI, XIII
deficiency 5 units=5–15% factor level increment
■recombinant factor VIla – replacement for factor VII deficiency or
acquired anti-VIII inhibitor 90 mcg/kg q 2–3 hr=100% factor level,
then taper to q 4 hr; for anti-VIII inhibitor, once bleeding slows, may
switch to FEIBA, Autoplex
■FEIBA, Autoplex, Konyne (factor IX complex): factor II, V, X, XI 75–100
U/kg=100% level; then 50 U/kg q 8–24 hours

Side Effects & Contraindications
■FFP, cryoprecipitate – hepatitis, HIV, parvovirus, CJD, hives, hypo-
tension contraindicated if uncontrolled allergic reactions
■rFVIIa – thrombosis, phlebitis
■FEIBA, Autoplex, Konyne – thrombosis, hepatitis, inhibitor contra-
indicated if allergic reactions, thrombosis present

During Treatment
■close monitoring for efficacy by blood loss, vital signs, and
hematocrit; potential neurologic, orthopedic, musculoskeletal com-
plications of continued bleeding: hypotension, neurologic sequelae
■assessment for complications of treatment:
➣FFP/cryoprecipitate – potential hepatitis A, B, C, HIV, parvovirus
➣FEIBA, Autoplex, Konyne – thrombosis, inhibitor, hepatitis
➣rFVIIa – thrombosis

■CBC, LFTs, inhibitor, HIV and hepatitis serologies q 6–12 months
■orthopedic, dental evaluation, review all bleeds & Rx q 6–12 month
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