Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-17 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:18

Paget Disease 1123

■Specific Diagnostic Tests
➣Bone biopsy usually not indicated
➣Audiogram if skull involvement

■Plain films of affected bone: osteolysis early, then thickened sclerotic
■Radionuclide bone scan highly sensitive for active disease

differential diagnosis
■Osteoblastic metastases
➣Sclerotic bone disorders (generally rare)

What to Do First
■Establish diagnosis

General Measures
■NSAIDs for managing secondary degenerative arthritis

specific therapy
➣Treatment of choice
➣Alendronate, risedronate, tiludronate taken fasting with 6 oz
water only
➣Wait 30 min in upright position before taking other medications
or food
➣When oral therapy contraindicated or not tolerated: intravenous
➣SC injection or nasal spray
➣Rapidly diminishes disease activity
➣Less effective than bisphosphonates
■Side Effects & Contraindications
➣Side effects: oral-esophageal irritation,∼10% of patients; IV:
fever, arthralgias; if intolerant to one, try another bisphospho-
Rare occurrence of osteonecrosis of jaw, particularly with IV
➣Contraindications: previous severe intolerance, intestinal mal-
absorption due to disease or surgery
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