Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-17 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:18

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 1147

Other Tests
■Peritoneal fluid analysis: increased WBC, bacteria
■Imaging: ultrasound, CT, MRI – enlarged, fluid-filled fallopian tubes,
tubo-ovarian abscess

differential diagnosis
■Gynecological: ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst torsion/rupture,
■GI: acute appendicitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis, IBD
■Urinary: UTI, pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis and renal colic

What to Do First
■Check pregnancy test to rule out ectopic
■Indications for hospitalization: unable to rule out surgical emergen-
cies, pregnancy, immunodeficiency (including HIV), severe illness,
tubo-ovarian abscess, patient unable to tolerate oral regimen, unsuc-
cessful outpatient treatment
■Consider hospitalization for adolescents and patients likely to be

General Measures
■Maintain high index of suspicion for PID and low threshold for treat-
■If present, remove IUD after starting antibiotics
■Report cases to local public health authorities and refer sexual con-
tacts for evaluation and treatment
■Advise patient to abstain from sexual activity during therapy

specific therapy
■Diagnosis of PID is based on clinical findings
■Treat all sexually active young women that meet minimum criteria:
➣Lower abdominal pain
➣Cervical motion tenderness
➣Adnexal tenderness
■Additional diagnostic criteria:
➣Temperature >38.3◦C (>101◦F)
➣Abnormal cervical or vaginal discharge
➣Presence of mucopus or vaginal WBCs
➣Elevated ESR
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