Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-17 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:18

1148 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

➣Elevated CRP
➣Positive GC or CT test
■Definitive criteria:
➣Histopathologic evidence of endometritis
➣Abnormal imaging study (US, CT, or MRI)
➣Laparoscopic abnormalities

Treatment Options
Now often treated as outpatient, but low threshold to admit if adoles-
cent, appears acutely ill, or does not tolerate or respond to oral treat-
ment. Should return for evaluation in 24–72 h.
Parenteral Regimens:
A. Cefotetan OR Cefoxitin; PLUS Doxycycline
B. Clindamycin PLUS Gentamicin

■Continue parenteral regimen for 24 h after clinical improvement,
then change to Doxycycline to complete 14 days of therapy; add
Clindamycin or Metronidazole if tubo-ovarian abscess present
■Alternative parenterals: Ofloxacin PLUS Metronidazole; Ampi-
cillin/Sulbactam PLUS Doxycycline; Ciprofloxacin PLUS Doxy-
cycline PLUS Metronidazole Oral Regimens: A. Ofloxacin PLUS
Metronidazole B. Ceftriaxone OR Cefoxitin PLUS Probenecid OR
other third-generation cephalosporin; PLUS Doxycycline
■Consider adding Metronidazole if bacterial vaginosis present
■Alternative oral regimens: Amoxacillin/clavulanate PLUS Doxycycl-
ine; insufficient data to recommend Azithromycin

Side Effects & Contraindications
■Cefotetan: side effects: disulfiram-like reaction with alcohol,
diarrhea; contraindicated in penicillin allergy; pregnancy=B
■Ceftriaxone: side effects: pain with IM injection, phlebitis, diarrhea,
cholestasis; contraindicated with penicillin allergy; pregnancy=B
■Clindamycin: side effects: diarrhea,C. difficile colitis, rash, GI into-
lerance; caution in pregnancy but no risk with extensive experience
■Doxycycline: side effects: GI distress, photosensitivity, erosive
esophagitis; contraindicated in pregnancy (D) and growing children
■Gentamicin: side effects: nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, vestibular
toxicity; contraindicated in pregnancy (C); avoid in renal or hepatic
■Metronidazole: side effects: disulfiram-like reaction with alcohol,
GI distress, headache, metallic taste; pregnancy=B; avoid in first
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