Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-17 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:57

1194 Porphyria, Acute

■Early neurological findings (if present): extremity weakness, proxi-
mal muscles > distal.
■Late neurological presentation: flaccid paralysis and respiratory fail-
■Urine porphobilinogen (PBG) and delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA).
NOTE: this is not a “porphyrin screen”. For rapid PBG: Watson-
Schwartz test. In patients with acute symptoms, urine PBG is > 20
mg/24 h (normal < 2 mg) and often 60–200 mg/24 h. Normal PBG
in symptomatic patient excludes acute porphyria. Values in 2–20
mg/24 h range may identify a “silent” genetic carrier of the disease.
■CBC: mild leukocytosis; no left shift
■Serum electrolytes: hyponatriemia
■RBC uroporphyrinogen-1-synthetase (PBG deaminase): deficiency
is constant in genetic carriers of AIP. Not useful for diagnosing
acutely ill patients.
■Urine and fecal porphyrins: for identifying type of acute porphyria,
for genetic screening of family members

differential diagnosis
■If localized pain, fever and leukocytosis or rebound tenderness are
present, intra-abdominal inflammation (appendicitis, cholecystitis,
pancreatitis, vasculitis, volvulus, etc) must be excluded. Markedly
increased PBG otherwise is diagnostic.
■If urine shows predominant elevation of ALA with slightly elevated
or normal PBG, consider heavy metal intoxication, especially lead.
Check smear for basophilic stippling, and obtain blood lead level.
■Motor weakness can suggest Guillain-Barre syndrome. However,
in G-B, CSF has lymphocytes and elevated protein, which are not
present in porphyria.
■Elevation of urine coproporphyrin only (normal PBG) is non-
specific, occurring in diseases of the liver, bone marrow, nervous
system and others.
■Substantial elevation of uroporphyrin with normal PBG suggests
porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT), which is a cutaneous disease. Acute
pain attacks are not part of PCT.

■Eliminate possible porphyria-inducing drugs; discontinue all but
essential medications.
■Serial 24-hour urine collections for PBG
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