Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-17 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:57

1200 Preeclamptic Liver Disease/HELLP

Signs and Symptoms
■Often none, other than hypertension. Rare jaundice

■Hemolysis, mild (spur cells on smear)
■Elevated liver tests (AST <ALT)
■Low platelets (100,000)
■Normal PT/INR, fibrinogen, unless very severe
■Elevated or normal uric acid (usually low in pregnancy)

Liver Biopsy
■Periportal hemorrhage and fibrin deposits, may have small amounts
of fat. Usually not needed, base diagnosis on clinical grounds

differential diagnosis
■R/O acute fatty liver of pregnancy (prolonged PT, low fibrinogen)
■Consider viral hepatitis (+serologies, risk factors)
■R/O cholestasis of pregnancy (+hx of itching)

What to Do First
■Consult with obstetrician, consider terminating pregnancy

General Measures
■Fetal monitoring, follow PT
specific therapy
■Delivery; temporizing, corticosteriods only with extreme caution

■Monitor AST, ALT, PT
■Imaging with CT or MRI to r/o hepatic hematoma with rupture or
■Expect full recovery

complications and prognosis
■Consider progression to hepatic rupture (shock, hemoperitoneum),
infarct (marked ALT elevations > 4,000, geographic infarcts on CT or
■No sequellae, perhaps increased risk for repeat with subsequent
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