Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-17 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:19

1228 Protein-Losing Enteropathy Pruritus

General Measures
■Identify and treat the primary disease by appropriate study of intes-
tine, colon, heart, and large abdominal or thoracic veins
specific therapy
■If PLE persists, prednisone 10–20 mg/day (30 days, gradual taper)
may reverse the protein loss, regardless of cause
■Repeat courses of prednisone may be necessary

■Weekly body weights, monthly examinations, including estimation
of pleural fluid (chest X-rays), ascites (measure abdominal girth,
abdominal ultrasound), extent of residual pedal edema
■Monthly measurement of serum albumin
complications and prognosis
■Varies with underlying disease; mechanical correction, when possi-
ble, may be curative.
■Intermittent prednisone therapy may be required over the long-term



history & physical
Signs & Symptoms
■Pruritus is the symptom of itching
■Scratching may result in excoriations, rubbing may result in licheni-
■Pruritus may be a symptom that accompanies a primary skin disor-
der, or may reflect an underlying systemic disease
■Pruritus may be localized or generalized

■Basic blood studies:
➣CBC, comprehensive metabolic panel, hepatic enzymes (partic-
ularly alkaline phosphatase), thyroid panel, hepatitis C antibody,
HIV test
➣Skin biopsy may be helpful in diagnosis of dermatitis herpeti-
formis, mycosis fungoides
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