Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-18 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 8:1

1302 Rheumatoid Arthritis

➣Bad prognosis: methotrexate (MTX)
Best combination of efficacy, safety & cost: 70% of pts continue
it for 5 years or more
If response inadequate, add SSZ, HCQ, leflunomide (2/3 of
MTX responders require this “step up”)
MTX+SSZ+HCQ substantially better than MTX or MTX+
HCQ in randomized trial
If response still inadequate, add or switch to anti-TNF agent,
including etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab (>70% response
rate, serious infections as complications) or anti IL-1 agent,
anakinra (30% response rate).
■Azathioprine, gold salts, cylcosporine are also options

Side Effects & Complications
■NSAIDs: decreased renal function, GI toxicity (selective COX-2
inhibitors [celecoxib] avoid GI but not renal problems)
■HCQ: retinal damage
■SSZ: leukopenia, rash
■MTX: cirrhosis, pneumonitis
■Minocycline: skin pigmentation
■Leflunomide: diarrhea & liver disease
■Anti-TNF or anti-IL-1 biologics: infections up to 5 per 100 pnt-years
■Azathioprine: liver disease, leukopenia
■Gold salts: rash, membranous glomerulopathy, cytopenia
■Cylcosporine: increased creatinine

■NSAIDS: renal failure, peptic ulcer disease
■All DMARDs: potential for pregnancy (prednisone safest)
■MTX: alcohol intake, liver disease, lung disease
■HCQ: retinal disease
■SSZ: allergy to sulfa drugs
■Leflunomide: liver disease
■Biologics: underlying infection, cost (>$10,000/yr)

■Initial treatment: 4–6 weeks while adjusting doses & choice of drugs
■Routine: 3-month intervals at a minimum while stable
■Monitor toxicities (eg, liver function on MTX) every 6–8 weeks
complications & prognosis
■Extra-articular involvement
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