Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-18 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 8:1

Rheumatoid Arthritis Rhinitis 1303

➣Rheumatoid nodules in viscera (eg, lungs, heart)
➣Eyes: sicca syndrome, part of Sjogren’s syndrome, episcleritis
➣Lungs: nodules, pleurisy w/ effusion, interstitial fibrosis
➣Heart: pericarditis, nodules, valvulitis
➣30% of work capacity lost. Only about half still working at old job
w/out adaptation at 5 yrs.
➣Excess mortality from 20–40%
➣GI bleeding from NSAIDs is by far the most common drug side
➣Infection in pts immunocompromised by DMARDs
➣Lung or liver damage from MTX
➣Increased cardiovascular disease
■Prognosis (see risk factors in Management section above)
➣Only 4% will achieve a complete remission
➣W/ appropriate therapy, most pts will have some joint problems
but maintain satisfactory overall function



history & physical
■Nasal congestion
■Nasal obstruction
■Clear or white nasal discharge
➣Pregnancy or high progesterone (e.g., BCPs)
➣Underlying illness such as hypothyroidism, sarcoid, Wegener
granulomatosis, sarcoid, lymphoma in a rare situation
➣Topical nasal decongestant abuse (rhinitis medicamentosa)
➣Systemic medications (e.g., beta blockers, reserpine)
➣Atrophic rhinitis or ozena in the elderly where mucosa has
➣Two predominant types occur which may have similar symptoms
and appearance
Allergic Rhinitis
Sneezing / itchy eyes / watery eyes / allergy symptoms
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