Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-18 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 8:1

1304 Rhinitis
Triggered by exposure to allergen (dust, animal dander,
molds, grasses, trees, etc.)
Seasonal component, but perennial symptoms can occur as
Pale white or bluish discoloration of nasal and specifically
turbinate mucosa Mucosa typically boggy or edematous
Erythematous mucosa can also be seen
Nonallergic (vasomotor) Rhinitis
Nasal congestion that may occur suddenly with changes in
temperature, humidity, or with smoke or chemical exposure
(e.g. perfume).
Associated with pregnancy or pre-menstrual time frame
May be postural with nasal congestion on dependent side
or both sides
Nasal congestion and clear rhinorrhea with food ingestion
(gustatory rhinitis)
Boggy edematous mucosa
May appear similar to allergic rhinitis with pale or bluish
discoloration of turbinate mucosa
Erythematous mucosa can also be seen

■Allergic testing (skin or RAST) can reveal allergens to be avoided and
desensitization therapy can proceed in selected cases
■CT scan of the sinuses (coronal CT with bone window 3 mm cuts) to
rule out concomitant sinusitis
■Rarely, biopsy is rare needed for diagnosis of an underlying illness
(e.g. Wegener’s, sarcoid, lymphoma)
■Blood testing for systemic causes such as hypothyroidism, Wegener,
■Some use smear of nasal secretions to look for eosinophils (NARES
differential diagnosis
■Sinusitis/nasal polyposis with associated rhinitis
■Acute viral upper respiratory infection for acute rhinitis
■Normal nasal cycle where some patients notice congestion which
alternates sides
■Deviated septum causing nasal obstruction
■Systemic processes such as Wegener granulomatosis, sarcoidosis
■Tumor or mass causing nasal obstruction
■Adenoid hypertrophy causing nasal obstruction and nasal drainage
■Foreign body
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