Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1


0521779407-03 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 19:6

Amblyopia 105

■Form deprivation: evaluate red light reflex form in both pupils <6 mo
of age
■Strabismic: examine eye alignment by light reflex or cover test in first
few years of life
■Anisometropic: visual acuity testing in preschool years

differential diagnosis
➣Form deprivation: eg, congenital monocular cataract
➣Strabismic: eg, esotrope w/ fixation; preference for 1 eye
➣Anisometropic: eg, high myopia in 1 eye
➣Form deprivation: eg, congenital binocular cataracts
➣Ametropic: eg, high hyperopia in both eyes
■Sensitive period for each type (when vision can be recovered toward
Form deprivation: <6 mo
Strabismic: <6 y
Anisometropic: <8–9 y
Form deprivation: <6 mo
Ametropic: <8–9 y

■Reverse unequal inputs:
➣Form deprivation: remove cataract
➣Strabismic: realign eyes w/ glasses, contacts, eye drops, surgery
➣Anisometropic: correct refractive error w/ glasses or contacts
■Decrease visual input to nonamblyopic eye:
➣Patching: part- or full-time
➣Penalization for cycloplegic eyes: drop in fixing eye (pt must be
hyperopic in fixing eye)
➣Black contact lens: must be removed daily
specific therapy
■Monitor visual acuity in amblyopic eye until it returns to normal

complications and prognosis
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