Internal Medicine

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0521779407-03 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 19:6

106 Amebiasis



history & physical
■Exposure: ingestion of food or water contaminated by cysts of Enta-
moeba histolytica, direct fecal-oral contamination (seen in mental
institutions and day care centers), oral-anal sexual practices. Insects
may contaminate food. Entamoeba dispar is identical to E. histolyt-
ica in appearance but does not cause disease.
Signs & Symptoms
■Intestinal amebiasis: gradual onset of diarrhea which varies from
mild to severe, sometimes with blood and pus (dysentery), abdomi-
nal pain. Fever, weight loss, dehydration seen in severe cases. Perfo-
ration and stricture can occur. Ameboma is a proliferative response
to the amebae, resulting in a mass effect in colon wall. Some patients
have no symptoms.
■Systemic amebiasis:
➣a) hepatic: presents as liver abscess, with fever, weight loss, right
upper quadrant pain. Course can be acute or chronic. Rupture
can produce empyema, peritonitis, pericarditis.
➣b) Pericardial amebiasis: usually due to rupture of liver abscess
into pericardium. Presents as chest pain, dyspnea, tachycardia,
pulsus paradoxicus, hypotension.
➣c) Amebic brain abscess: acute illness resembling pyogenic
abscess with headache, fever, neurologic signs indicating mass
➣d) Cutaneous amebiasis: usually seen near anus or on genitals.
Presents as painful skin ulcerations.

■Basic tests: blood: Intestinal disease: CBC may show anemia, some-
times elevated neutrophils.
➣Systemic disease: CBC shows anemia, elevated WBC. LFTs
altered, usually with elevated alkaline phosphatase and transam-
■Basic tests: urine: not helpful
■Specific tests: Intestinal disease: Stool examination for O&P demon-
strates trophozoites and cysts. May need up to 3, rarely more, stools
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