Internal Medicine

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0521779407-19 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:21

1346 Sickle Cell Syndromes

Basic Blood Tests
■Sickle trait: normal CBC, normal LFTs
■SS: Hematocrit in 20’s, reticulocytes in 20’s, elevated MCV, elevated
WBC, elevated platelets, many sickle forms, Howell-Jolly bodies,
increased indirect bilirubin, low haptoglobin, mild increase in LFTs
■SC disease: Hematocrit in low 30’s, reticulocytes in 5–10 range, rare
sickle forms, slightly low MCV, rare mild increase in indirect bilirubin
■SS/thalassemia: Hematocrit in 20–30’s, reticulocytes in 5–20’s,
decreased MCV,±Howell-Jolly bodies,±increased indirect biliru-

Basic Urine Tests
■All sickle syndromes (including sickle trait) – isosthenuria
■In SS, proteinuria can be early sign of sickle glomerulopathy and
should be monitored yearly
■Hematuria a fairly common problem in SC disease, can occur in
sickle trait, but specific non-sickle related causes must be ruled out

Recommended Tests in SS :
■Extended panel RBC typing (to assure appropriate choice in case of
■Yearly ophthalmologic exam to detect early retinopathy
■In children, transcranial Doppler to detect those at high risk for stroke
■Yearly baseline PFTs, ABGs, and ECG to compare with studies at time
of acute event
Periodic echocardiogram to identify adults with pulmonary hyper-
differential diagnosis
■Hemoglobin electrophoresis and CBC can distinguish sickle trait, SS,
SC disease, and S/thalassemia.

Routine Health Maintenance
■Anticipatory testing as above
■Pneumococcal and influenza vaccines
■Prophylactic folate

Specific Complications
■High incidence of pain crises and/or acute chest syndrome use
hydroxyurea prophylaxis
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