Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-20 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:22

Tourette Syndrome Toxoplasmosis 1437

■If not effective, haloperidol
■Nicotine gum or patch may provide days of relief
■Botulinum toxin: may help simple tics
Attention deficit w/ or w/o hyperactivity
■Clonidine patch: start TTS1 patch; may increase to TTS3 if necessary
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
■Sertraline, fluoxetine, citalopram, fluvoxamine

■Depends on severity of symptoms & treatment

complications and prognosis
■Tardive dyskinesia may occur in 30% of those treated w/ neuroleptics
■TS is a lifelong illness but is not progressive
■Some symptoms may improve



history & physical
■Life cycle: Cats are principal host, pass oocysts in stool, ingested by
human and pass through bowel wall to reach various tissues where
they encyst. Humans and cats also infected by eating rare meat that
contains cysts (includes lamb, beef, pork).
■Exposure: Ingesting oocysts through contaminated food, fingers, or
eating rare or raw meat containing toxoplasma cysts.

Signs & Symptoms
■Acute infection: fever, headache, myalgias, lymphadenopathy,
splenomegaly, rash. Incubation period is 10–12 days.
■Ocular toxoplasmosis: acutely presents as painless, focal, unilateral
retinochoroiditis. Later there is retinal scar.
In AIDS, usually presents at CD4 <100 (reactivation) as cerebral
abscess or encephalitis.
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