Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-20 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:22

1464 Tubulointerstitial Renal Disease
non nephrotic proteinuria
inactive urine sediment

■Acute TIN:
➣ultrasound: kidneys may be swollen and enlarged
➣may have increased cortical echo density
■Chronic TIN:
➣ultrasound: kidneys may be small, echo dense
➣blunted calyx with reflux

Renal Biopsy
■definitive diagnostic test
■not always necessary
■perform when history and evidence are not strong
■consider in patients with ARF, who are not prerenal, and not
obstructed by ultrasound
■perform biopsy when information obtained will alter therapy
➣Acute TIN:
increased interstitial volume and edema
focal infiltrates of mononuclear cells primarily peritubular
location with sparing of glomeruli and vessels
immunoglobulin deposits rarely seen by immunofluorescence
amount of fibrosis may aid in determining aggressiveness of
➣Chronic TIN:
increased interstitial volume-primary fibrosis and tubular
extent of fibrosis has prognostic value

differential diagnosis
■Clinical entities which must be distinguished from TIN
➣Acute TIN: any cause of pre-renal, post renal or renal ARF
➣Chronic TIN: any cause of chronic renal failure

Causes of ATIN
■Common causes:
➣Drug induced (immune mediated)
➣Systemic disease
➣Infection (frequently immune mediated)
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