Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-20 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:22

Tubulointerstitial Renal Disease 1469

■steroids shorten time to recovery-best if started early
■if no response to steroids after 2 weeks consider cyclophospham-
■Discontinue steroids if no response after 3–4 weeks
■stop cyclophosphamide if no response after 4–6 weeks
■if anti TBM found on biopsy treat with steroids, cyclophosphamide
and also consider 2-week trial of plasmapheresis
■initiate dialysis early if oliguric, uremic, volume overloaded.

Chronic TIN
■investigate cause and treat
■stop offending drugs (lithium NSAIDs),
■treat systemic disease
■relieve obstruction
■aggressive BP control
■biopsy not always indicated
■extent and severity of fibrosis on biopsy will predict GFR and prog-

Acute TIN
■daily monitor of BUN/Cr, acid/base and electrolytes
■daily assess volume status, urine output, need for dialysis

Chronic TIN
■periodic charting of BUN/Cr
■periodic calculation of GFR refer to Nephrology when serum creati-
nine is sustained >1.5 mg/dl

complications and prognosis
Acute TIN
■post recovery serum creatinine if treatment started before 2 weeks,
approx 1 mg/dl
■post recovery serum creatinine if treatment delayed after 3 weeks,
approx 3 mg/dl

Chronic TIN
■may lead to chronic renal impairment and progression to ESRD with-
out and even with aggressive management
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