Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-21 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 18:59

1492 Urinary Incontinence

■Severity of incontinence (type and number of pads [day and night],
Validated Quality of Life Questionnaire to assess the impact of incon-
tinence on daily activities, such as Incontinence Impact Question-
naire [IIQ-7] or Urogenital Distress Inventory [UDI-6])
■Fluid intake (amount and type)
■Past urologic history (childhood and bedwetting problems)
■OB/GYN history (parity and types of delivery and complications –
i.e., lacerations/episiotomies/forceps), symptoms of prolapse or
prior procedures to correct incontinence or prolapse, hormonal
deprivation, dyspareunia
■Bowel habits (constipation, fecal incontinence, vaginal splinting)
■Medical conditions interfering with urinary output (impaired renal
function, diabetes, congestive heart failure)
■Neurological history (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke,
■Prior surgical history (abdominal, back, brain)
■Medications with urinary side effects (diuretics, sedatives, choliner-
gics or anticholinergic drugs, hormones, and psychotropics)

Signs & Symptoms
A complete exam (abdominal, genital, pelvic, and neurologic) is essen-
tial in the evaluation of all incontinence in women.
■Genital examination: vaginal condition (scar from episiotomy; vagi-
nal atrophy: loss of rugae, thin shiny vaginal wall)
■Urethral meatus: caruncle, condyloma, Skene’s abscess
■Urethra: palpated for scarring or tenderness suggestive of urethral
■Speculum examination looking for cystocele, uterine descent, vault
prolapse, enterocele, or rectocele
■Ask patient to cough and strain, supine and/or standing. Leakage
with effort indicates stress incontinence. Secondary leakage trig-
gered by an effort suggests stress-induced instability.
■Careful neurologic exam
➣Perineal examination (sensation)
➣Bulbocavernosus reflex

Basic Tests
■Lifestyle Questionnaires
■Voiding diary (3–7 days) – diary should include time of voiding, vol-
ume voided, number of pads used per day, leakage episodes and
inciting events
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