Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-21 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 7, 2007 18:59

Urticaria (Rheumatology) 1499

■Chronic: >10 weeks
➣40% urticaria alone
➣40% urticaria & angioedema
➣20% angioedema alone
■Most are idiopathic, have no association
■Duration of lesions
➣Individual hives last <2 hrs: consider physical urticaria
➣Individual hives last >2 hrs: any other cause
■Physical Urticaria
➣Linear hives lasting <2 hrs w/ generalized pruritus=dermato-
➣Hives w/ exercise, hot showers, acute anxiety=cholinergic
➣Hives along belt line, tight garments, foot swelling or hives when
walking & hives on buttocks with sitting=pressure urticaria
➣Hives touching cold objects, wind blowing in face, lip swelling
eating ice cream=cold urticaria
➣Hives w/ exposure to sun=solar urticaria. If only outdoors, due
to UV wavelengths. If indoors also, visible light wavelengths
➣Hives touching warm/hot objects=local heat urticaria
➣Swelling when rubbing with towel=vibratory angioedema
■Angioedema typically lasts 1–3 days

Acute Urticaria/Angioedema
■Food skin tests
■Penicillin skin testing and/or RAST assay, if suspect
■Liver function tests or EB viral titer if either hepatitis or infectious
mononucleosis suspected

Physical Urticaria
■Hives w/ scratch: dermatographism
■Hives w/ ice cube applied to forearm for 5 minutes; cold urticaria;
obtain cold agglutinin titer & check for cryoglobulins
■Hives after running in place or on treadmill for 15 minutes: cholin-
ergic urticaria
■Hives after application of test tube containing hot water to forearm
for 5 minutes: local heat urticaria
■Weighted carrying case with strap over shoulder for 15 minutes; hives
on shoulder 4–8 hrs later: pressure urticaria
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