Internal Medicine

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0521779407-23 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 21:24

Warts 1551

hours to sensitize. One week later, apply 0.1% to warts and cover for
6 hours.
■Podophyllin: 25–50% applied weekly to warts by physician, washed
after 6 hours. Repeat every 1–2 weeks.
■Podophyllotoxin (Condylox) can be applied at home twice daily for
3 days, then not treated for 4 days, then repeated each week until
clear. Avoid in pregnant women.
■Vascular Lesion Laser (585 nm) - 20 W, two or three pulses to each
wart. Repeat every 2–3 weeks until clear.
■Tretinoin: may be applied once a day to flat warts
■For recalcitrant warts:
■Intralesional alpha interferon: reserve for recalcitrant warts, inject
each wart 2x/week for up to 8 weeks or until clear
■Surgical excision: reserve for large warts to remove tumor burden.
HPV in clinically normal skin results in frequent recurrence.
■CO2 laser ablation: Scarring possible; recurrences likely
■Electrosurgery: best for small warts, use a smoke evacuator to avoid
inhalation of aerosolized viral particles
■Bleomycin: injected intralesionally or applied topically and instilled
with an allergy needle excoriating surface. Avoid injecting the distal
digits because of a risk of necrosis.
➣Candida antigen: into warts: Inject 0.3 ml into one of the larger
warts every 2–4 weeks until wart resolves. Discontinue if no
response after 5 treatments. Warts distant to the treatment site
often resolve as the target lesion disappears.

■Self-exam weekly after clearing; follow up with physician with any
sign of recurrence for physician-applied therapies
■Periodically every 2 weeks to 2 months for patient-applied therapies

complications and prognosis
■“Doughnut wart”: treated wart clears but a new wart may occur encir-
cling the prior wart as viral particles within blister fluid infect the skin
at the periphery of the blister initiated by previous treatment
■Scarring: occurs more commonly with destructive therapies: elec-
trosurgery, CO2 laser, cold-steel surgery
■Side effects of treatment may include pruritus, local skin necrosis
■Prognosis is excellent when treatment is tailored to each patient and
adjusted according to response. Immune surveillance will clear warts
in some cases even without treatment.
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