Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1


0521779407-04 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:8

148 Aortitis

Giant Cell Aortitis
■Treatment options
➣Prednisone, when ESR and symptoms resolve, taper gradually for
1–2 y
➣Methotrexate can be considered for a steroid sparing effect
Other Rheumatologic Aortitis
■Treatment underlying disease as usual
Side Effects & Contraindications
➣Side effects: many including glucose intolerance, Cushingoid
changes, adrenocortical insufficiency, increased susceptibility
to infection, muscle wasting, skin atrophy, peptic ulcer, depen-
Absolute: abrupt discontinuation in a steroid dependent patient
Relative: tntc
■Methotrexate and Cyclophosphamide are both antineoplastic agents
and should only be prescribed by physicians specifically trained in
their use.
➣Side effects: GI upset, bleeding
Absolute: significant aspirin allergy
■Aggressive respond to vascular crises with arterial bypass or angio-
plasty is felt to increase longevity in Takayasu’s. Aortic valve replace-
ment or aneurysm repair occasionally indicated.

complications and prognosis
■aortic valve regurgitation, aneurysm formation, sequelae of branch
vessel occlusion depend on areas of involvement (stroke, limb
ischemia, renovascular hypertension, gut ischemia, coronary
ischemia), blindness (Giant Cell),
■Takayasu’s: unpredictable course, generally slowly progressive: In
older series, 97% 5 year survival if no major complications, 59% after
development of major complications. Aggressive management of
vascular crises likely improves survival
■Relevant survival data for other etiologies is scarce
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