Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1


0521779407-04 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 13, 2007 7:8

Asthma 173

➣Severe persistent:symptoms continuously; frequently at night;
FEV 1 ≤60%; PEF variability >30%

General Measures
■Therapy aimed at reducing chronic inflammation ubiquitous in
■Goals: reduce symptoms, prevent exacerbations, normalize pul-
monary function
■Classes of pharmacotherapy:
➣Relievers (albuterol, bitolterol, ipratropium, pirbuterol, meta-
proterenol, terbutaline)
➣Constrollers (inhaled corticosteroids, LTRAs, long-acting beta-

Acute Exacerbation of Asthma
What to Do First
■Quick history and physical
■Chest x-ray (only if suspect pneumonia, pneumothorax)
■Assess SaO 2 , PEF, or FEV 1
■Administer oxygen if SaO 2 <93%
■Albuterol MDI or nebulizer q 20–30 min× 4
■Levalbuterol by nebulizer may be useful if beta 2 side effects a
■Ipratropium may add to beta 2 effect
■All patients should receive systemic steroids (oral=IV unless GI
■Continue inhaled corticosteroid
■PEForFEV 1 to assess response
■Arrange follow-up within 48 h
■Fatigue, altered mental status, PaCO 2 ≥42 suggest respiratory failure
■Intubation, ventilation can be difficult

specific therapy
■Mild intermittent:
➣rescue beta-agonist PRN
■Mild persistent:
➣low-dose inhaled steroid+rescue beta-agonist PRN, or
➣LTRA+rescue beta-agonist PRN
■Moderate persistent:
➣Moderate dose inhaled steroid+rescue beta-agonist PRN, or
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