Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1


0521779407-05 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:49

202 Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH)

■Vague upper abdominal pain, pruritus, anorexia, polymyalgia, epis-
taxis, bleeding gums, easy bruisability are also frequent complaints
■Triad of acne, amenorrhea, & arthralgia may be seen in adolescent
■Acute hepatitis: uncommon & often predated by chronic symptoms
■Chronic hepatitis: associated w/ variable physical signs & symptoms;
may be detected when patient is asymptomatic
■Advanced liver disease: liver failure (jaundice, hepatomegaly, pru-
ritus, ascites, encephalopathy) may be first presentation in many

Basic Blood Studies
■Early disease:
➣Moderately increased AST and ALT (range, 200–1000U), bilirubin,
& alkaline phosphatase
➣Serology (important for classification of AIH):
Positive ANA (50%) & SMA (70%) in classic type 1 AIH
Positive anti-LKM1 seen in type 2 AIH; rare in U.S. patients;
subgroup of patients w/ anti-LKM1 may have antibodies to
HCV & GOR (usually Mediterranean men)
Positive antibodies to soluble liver antigen (anti-SLA ab) &
liver/pancreas (anti-LP): type 3 AIH
Gamma-globulin=1.5×upper limit of normal & as high as
50–70 g/L
➣Advanced disease:
Increased serum bilirubin and INR; decreased serum albumin

Liver Biopsy
■Performed prior to treatment to assess severity of liver disease &
differentiate between alternative liver diseases
■Early disease: periportal/lobular hepatitis; plasma cell infiltration
■Moderate or advanced disease: fibrosis, cirrhosis

■Abdominal US or CT: nonspecific/nondiagnostic:
➣Early disease: often normal
➣Advanced disease: small shrunken liver, venous collaterals sug-
gestive of portal hypertension
differential diagnosis
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