0521779407-B01 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:52
AV-Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia Back or Neck Pain 213
■Radio frequency ablation of the slow or fast (rare) AVN pathway often
best Rx.
Side Effects & Contraindications
■Excessive suppression of AVN or sinus node activity with beta block-
ers or calcium channel blockers. Inadvertent ablation of the AVN
during RF ablation requiring permanent pacemaker.
■During chronic Rx with beta blockers and calcium channel blockers
monitor BP and HR and AV conduction. Holter to identify asymp-
tomatic AVNRT or heart block from drug Rx.
complications and prognosis
■Cardiomyopathy with incessant AVNRT
Back or Neck Pain....................................
history & physical
■Pain in back or neck, sometimes w/ radiation to limbs
■May be segmental weakness, numbness or paresthesias in limbs
■May be sphincter or sexual dysfunction
■May be history of trauma or unaccustomed activity
■May be past history of malignancy, structural spinal disorder, osteo-
porosis, inflammatory disease, predisposition to infection
■Spasm of paraspinal muscles commonly present
■Spinal movement may be limited
■Spinal tenderness common
■Focal neurologic deficit may indicate root or cord involvement
■Rectal or pelvic exam may reveal local cause of back pain
■May be evidence of underlying psychiatric disorder
■MRI will reveal bone or joint disease, disc herniation, local infection
■CBC may suggest infection or coagulopathy
■ESR may be increased in infective, inflammatory or neoplastic dis-