Internal Medicine

(Wang) #1

0521779407-B02 CUNY1086/Karliner 0 521 77940 7 June 4, 2007 20:52

Budd-Chiari Syndrome Buerger’s Disease 261

■surgical shunt: liver failure; hepatic encephalopathy
■OLT: usual complications

■2-year mortality with supportive medical therapy alone: 85–90%
■5-year survival with surgical shunt: 38–87% depending on continued
patency of graft, degree of fibrosis, type of shunt
■5-year survival with liver transplantation: 70%

Buerger’s Disease....................................


history & physical
■Young male smokers with finger or toe gangrene
■More common in Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and Far Eastern
■Foot or calf claudication
■Ulceration or gangrene of toes or fingers
■Superficial venous thrombophlebitis
■Raynaud’s syndrome

Criteria for Clinical Diagnosis
■Smoking history
■Age less than 50
■Occlusive lesions below popliteal or brachial artery
■No trauma or proximal embolic source
■Normal proximal arteries
■Absence of risk factors for atherosclerosis (besides smoking)
➣Negative collagen vascular disease workup
➣No diabetes
➣No hyperlipidemia
■Negative hypercoagulable workup

Signs & Symptoms
■50% have gangrene of distal toes or fingers
■Pulses at wrist or ankle may be present
■Cold and tender fingers or toes
■Phlebitis in extremities
■Normal proximal pulses (femoral, axillary)
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